FMS 300 Fuel Management System The Benmar FMS 300 is a feature-packed, microprocessor-based fuel management system for diesel-powered boats. Peace-of-Mind With the FMS 300 you won’t need your existing fuel gauges, which are frequently inaccurate and unreliable. And you won’t have the added cost and space requirements for a knot meter/log, sea temperature gauge, and clock. The FMS 300 has all these instruments built-in. The Fuel Miser Most captains are under the impression that they know which throttle setting is best for maximum fuel economy. This might be true if conditions stayed the same all the time . . . but they don’t. There are many variables such as engine condition, bottom condition, load/trim, and sea conditions that can affect which throttle settings are best for optimum performance.
Available Data Includes q Gallons Per Hourq Miles Per Gallon q Fuel to Destination q Fuel Used Since Fillup q Fuel to Empty q Distance to Destination q Boat Speed With all this information at hand, you can adjust throttle settings to Maximize your Range and Fuel efficiency. Simple to Use The FMS 300 is a compact unit that can be trunnion or flush mounted. The panel features a large dot-matrix display providing a 32-character, easily read alphanumeric readout. Operation is simple. The operator simply presses the appropriate category key for the data to be displayed. There are no complicated calculations to be performed since they are made by the microprocessor and are displayed instantly. The FMS is equipped with an Internal Memory feature, backed by a battery that will last for years. In fact, you can take the unit right off the boat, not having to worry about reprogramming when you return. Added Features Some great features include a Printer Output Port for connections to an external printer or recorder. Data is available on command or can be programmed to output information on 1 to 60 minute intervals for future reference. Other features include Full Clock Functions, Sea Temperature, three additional air temperature readouts, and Automatic Speed Sensor Calibration. When the system is turned on, a "Self-Test" function automatically tells you the system is working correctly and is ready for operation. A "Self-Diagnostic" feature allows for easy troubleshooting should your fuel computer ever require service. FMS 300 Features